This story has been in the headlines now for a little over a month, and her friends and family are asking everyone out there to get to the web and help put her face and info wherever you can so that if anyone has seen her to let the authorities know. I found this recent article about her, and what is being done so far. I'm praying she is found safe and alive. God is in control and He will help whoever is in charge of this case and all who are involved. For those of you who aren't aware of this story, the woman in the picture above is Susan Powell. She's a 28 year old mother of two from Utah who went missing on December 6th. Please, if you've read this post, do what you can to get her picture out.
Go Wordless Here...
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wordless Wednesday ~ Anything I Can Do To Help
Posted by Jen 0 comments
Friday, January 1, 2010
Monday, December 14, 2009
Merry Christmas!!
I have been so bad at writing on my blog. Forgive me. So many ups and downs in life lately, I guess writing about them was the last thing on my mind. I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and your Christmas is one to remember!
Posted by Jen 0 comments
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Belated Birthday Post
Just a recap, but the birthday party was good. Busy, but overall a really good time. Maddie is big into Olivia (the pig) so she got a few of those books, some clothes and games.
The first picture is what we've been doing on the day of her birthday because she'd be getting a cake at her party.
The last couple pictures, the scooter is what she got from us. And then the Elefun game is something she got from my sister and her husband.
Posted by Jen 0 comments
Happy Halloween And More!
It's that time of the year again. Dressing your kiddos up in costumes, preparing yourself for the walk or run your kids will do going after that candy. I know I am. But I have an added bonus, celebrating my son's birthday. 8 years old already! I can still remember that day like it was yesterday. Holding my beautiful little boy and seeing his face for the first time. Honestly, where did 8 years go?
The kiddos have their pumpkins picked out and carved. Here is the end product:
Last year we had bought our son a football uniform, but he ended up being sick so thankfully that works out for him this year (HUGE football fan). And then our daughter, well we couldn't really find anything for her that we really liked, so we opted for her to be a cheerleader. My husband chose the team.
Praying for good weather and a fun time together tonight. I'm thankful everyday for my son and the joy he's brought to my life. Hope your day is fun filled!
Posted by Jen 0 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Well, we've done it. We've put the bunk beds up. The room looks fantastic! I think so anyway. Maybe I should clarify that "we" didn't put them up, my husband did. But I did help. A little.
Here is a before shot:Not too bad looking, rather boring I think. But you have to work with what you have, and that is all we have right now. Plus, that toddler bed is just too small for my daughter. I'd find her half in her bed and half on the floor sometimes. Or just laying on the floor. It was time.
Thankfully we sold the bed (hers) but sadly had to throw his out (broken pieces). And transformed into...drum roll please....
TA DAAA:It may not look like it in the picture, but that room is much more spacious. Plus my daughter is doing so well with her "big girl" bed. She loves it. My son is loving the top bunk and I'd say my daughter has been up there at least 100 times.
I'm quite happy with the results.
Posted by Jen 0 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Bumbleride Indie Stroller: Giveaway!
I'm not one to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to giveaways I see around on the web. But this one caught my eye and I instantly had to try to win it. Just like other moms, we want something easy to use, plus it's safe for our little ones. It's a bonus if it looks this fabulous!Over at The Not-So-Blog, she is having a giveaway for this stroller by Bumbleride. This particular model is called the Indie. There are several colors to choose from, I myself love the one shown above called Spice. The writer(s) over at The Not-So-Blog wrote a review, check it out here! Now, since I don't usually enter myself into things unless it's something I'd really like, maybe I'll win. Maybe beginners luck?
Posted by Jen 2 comments