Monday, September 21, 2009

It's All About The Memories

There are memories in life that you cherish, you can remember them by a photo or souvenir. You see them and are instantly brought to that moment in time. For me especially, if I see something that reminds me of a loved one who isn't here anymore it's that much more special and meaningful.

For the last year or so, my mom has been taking my daughter to Barnes and Noble where they have story time. There she has made a friend with the lady who reads the stories. They have this routine where they listen to the story and afterward do a craft that goes along with the it. I went with them the first time and really got into it. I was very hopeful that this was something she (my daughter) would enjoy and want to go to each time.

What's really neat is that afterward, my mom will buy my daughter a cookie of her choosing and they will sit down and talk, or maybe read books together, that I'm not really sure of. But the smile on my daughter's face when she comes home and tells me about her time there tells me that she had the best time. And as of late, she has been giving the reading lady a hug before she leaves. How sweet!

In her room, my daughter has every craft she's made since she started doing this with my mom. I'll put them somewhere safe until she's older and hopefully these memories she's making will flood her mind and bring a smile to her face. The crafts themselves will get old and fade, but the memories she's making now will last a lifetime.