Monday, December 14, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

I have been so bad at writing on my blog. Forgive me. So many ups and downs in life lately, I guess writing about them was the last thing on my mind. I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and your Christmas is one to remember!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Belated Birthday Post

Just a recap, but the birthday party was good. Busy, but overall a really good time. Maddie is big into Olivia (the pig) so she got a few of those books, some clothes and games.

The first picture is what we've been doing on the day of her birthday because she'd be getting a cake at her party.

The last couple pictures, the scooter is what she got from us. And then the Elefun game is something she got from my sister and her husband.

Happy Halloween And More!

It's that time of the year again. Dressing your kiddos up in costumes, preparing yourself for the walk or run your kids will do going after that candy. I know I am. But I have an added bonus, celebrating my son's birthday. 8 years old already! I can still remember that day like it was yesterday. Holding my beautiful little boy and seeing his face for the first time. Honestly, where did 8 years go?

The kiddos have their pumpkins picked out and carved. Here is the end product:

Last year we had bought our son a football uniform, but he ended up being sick so thankfully that works out for him this year (HUGE football fan). And then our daughter, well we couldn't really find anything for her that we really liked, so we opted for her to be a cheerleader. My husband chose the team.

Praying for good weather and a fun time together tonight. I'm thankful everyday for my son and the joy he's brought to my life. Hope your day is fun filled!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Well, we've done it. We've put the bunk beds up. The room looks fantastic! I think so anyway. Maybe I should clarify that "we" didn't put them up, my husband did. But I did help. A little.

Here is a before shot:

Not too bad looking, rather boring I think. But you have to work with what you have, and that is all we have right now. Plus, that toddler bed is just too small for my daughter. I'd find her half in her bed and half on the floor sometimes. Or just laying on the floor. It was time.

Thankfully we sold the bed (hers) but sadly had to throw his out (broken pieces). And transformed into...drum roll please....


It may not look like it in the picture, but that room is much more spacious. Plus my daughter is doing so well with her "big girl" bed. She loves it. My son is loving the top bunk and I'd say my daughter has been up there at least 100 times.

I'm quite happy with the results.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bumbleride Indie Stroller: Giveaway!

I'm not one to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to giveaways I see around on the web. But this one caught my eye and I instantly had to try to win it. Just like other moms, we want something easy to use, plus it's safe for our little ones. It's a bonus if it looks this fabulous!

Over at The Not-So-Blog, she is having a giveaway for this stroller by Bumbleride. This particular model is called the Indie. There are several colors to choose from, I myself love the one shown above called Spice. The writer(s) over at The Not-So-Blog wrote a review, check it out here! Now, since I don't usually enter myself into things unless it's something I'd really like, maybe I'll win. Maybe beginners luck?

Patience Is A Virtue

Well, he made it home. Safe. Albeit it took an extra 3 hours to get him here, but by george he made it! What a day that was, let me tell ya. It started off good, got my son to school, cleaned up around the house, spent time with my daughter. The usual stuff. At 3:30 we went to school and picked up my son and then headed over to the airport. His flight was scheduled to land at 4:15, we got there at 4. Plenty of time. Or so I thought.

My mom called me as we were pulling into our parking lot, my heart beating with excitement because in just 15 mins. my hubby would be home. That call changed it all. She told me that she had gotten two calls but was unsure who they came from. The last one she said had sounded like him in the background, but the call ended before anything was said. Obviously his flight had changed, that was my thinking. First thing that came to my mind was that he was early! And I was late.

So the kiddos and I almost ran through the airport to get to where he would come, big surprise, no husband. We knew the exit he would be at, but his plane was there, and no passengers coming out. So we checked the arrival screen and saw that it had been delayed to 4:40. No big deal. Just need to wait 20 mins. or so. Headed over to the kids play room for a bit, happened to look at my phone for the time and saw I had a message. My mom was trying to tell me that his plane wouldn't land here until 6:45 or 7. And seeing that I have such an awesome cell phone (no, not really) I had to get change from the gift shop (gum, $1.59. yikes!) in order to use the payphone. What my mom told me was that there had been a crash on the freeway in London and the crew for the plane, that my husband was supposed to be on, was detained for an hour or so. Which meant he couldn't leave for his 8-9 hr flight on time.

So when I was talking with my mom, he had already landed at his connection airport, but because he was late, he missed his original flight back here. So what turned into a 15 maybe 20 min. wait ended up being a 3 hr wait. Thank you Lord for play rooms, airplanes taking off and places to eat. All those were wonderful distractions for my kids. I would've just turned around and gone back home until it was time, but it takes about 30 min. to get to my house, so I figured we'd be ok if we stayed put. And we were, but by the time his plane did land, my nerves were shot. I was running out of patience let me tell you. My kids were acting like they had just been given spoonfuls of sugar. But all that seemed to diminish once he walked off that plane. Not amount of lip biting would stop this mama from crying.

It was so good to be back in his arms. Being away from my husband was rough, but thankfully I have friends and family and my rambunctious kiddos. Life is good again.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ~ The Spy Who Loved Me

I found this while digging around through my pictures. What makes me laugh is that every time my daughter puts on a pair of 3D glasses she tells me she's a spy.

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tackle It Tuesday ~ My Daughter's Baby Book

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

I need to get on the ball with this one. Now that the garage is finally cleared out, my next project is her baby book. I'd like to think I'm up to par with my son's, maybe need to add another page, but for the most part, his is done. My daughter's on the other hand, the last time I did anything was for her 2nd birthday. She'll be 4 next week. My wonderful mom gave me a gift certificate to our local scrap booking shop for my birthday, 2 years ago. Praying there is no expiration date on it. I have my ideas, but I just haven't gotten over to the store. My goal is to have made some good progress before the end of the year. Happy Tackling Tuesday!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Pink Ribbon Kisses Pictures, Images and Photos

On facebook there is an application called Flair. I'm sure you all know the meaning of the word, but as I was looking through the countless pieces they have I came across one that said "When you lose someone to cancer, awareness lasts a lifetime." I immediately picked that one, and it is now on my profile.

My mom had breast cancer, as did her mom. They both survived and my mom has been clear of it for 19 years. Thank you Lord! They have this genetic testing that she could do to see if she has a certain gene that would tell her if either me or my sisters could get breast cancer. There are so many pros and cons to all that, so it's a decision that has been put on hold for the time being. For now there are things we can do to help prevent it. I'm praying that one day there is a cure for this. God is in control of ALL things. Check this out.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Leaving On A Jet Plane

Well, more like left on a jet plane already. My husband has flown home for a few days to visit his family in England. He left pretty early this morning and so far has been having safe flights. He will land at Heathrow airport and then travel back to his hometown with his mom and sister. For 28 years England was his home, and so he misses it there quite often. His first trip home was after moving here 6 years earlier. I was unable to go with him the last time and unfortunately didn't go with him for this trip either. We have talked that I would go with him for the next trip, but this came up unexpectedly so maybe next time. I am praying for a safe trip where ever he goes while he's there, and I'm glad he's able to reconnect with family and friends. But I miss him.

I don't mind having to watch our kids by myself, I think it helps keep me busy and my mind on other things than missing him. The last time he traveled my kids were younger and so they didn't seem to mind him leaving or weren't affected by him being gone. But this time just my daughter was unaware of him leaving. She told me she had fun at the airport, so that sums up how much she understands what's going on. My son on the other hand cried, and as badly as I was trying to hold it in for their sake I found myself biting my lip to stop myself from crying. Have to be the strong one. So hard to do when I'm not feeling like that at all. But, there are the phone calls and web cam conversations, so there really won't be much time for me to miss him too much. But I still miss him.

I personally think that it's good when couples have to spend time apart. I totally believe in the phrase, "Absense makes the heart grow fonder." I think when couples are apart for days at a time it makes you realize just how important one another is. You don't take things for granted.

My husband is away for a short while, and I'm ok with that. I'm not thrilled to be without him, but I love him all the more and can't wait for him to come home.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ~ Enjoying The Leaves

These were taken last fall, my nephew isn't even a year old in that picture, but I just loved these. Can't believe another fall season is here.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tackle It Tuesday ~ The Garage pt. 2

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

Well, it's a start, if anything. We were able to throw out a bunch of things. And once the kiddos get their bunk beds, those toy boxes and some other things will be back in their room. We still have a couple months before the snow gets here, but I'm happy with the progress so far. Happy Tackling Tuesday!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Bedroom Makeover

When we moved into this apartment a few years ago, my son wasn't even a year yet, so his room was all for him. We didn't plan on having any more kids while living here. But as he got older and it seemed like we were staying put for now, along came my daughter. For the first three years of her life, she shared a room with my husband and I. Mostly because she was still in her crib, and also because I liked having her so close. But the time came and the crib just wasn't working for her anymore, so we bought her a toddler bed. Hubby and I were more than ready to have our room back, and moving my son's bed around to accommodate hers was a piece of cake. We figured her bed would last a good year or so before she got to be too long.

Well, that time has come. It's amusing sometimes to walk in their room and see her on the floor or half in her bed and half on the floor. Buying her a twin bed was the next step after she outgrew the toddler bed, but their room is pretty small. Putting in another twin bed would shrink that room and they wouldn't have near as much room as they do now. It's plainly obvious what the answer to that problem is.

Bunk beds! That way, it frees up the other side of the room for toy boxes, bookcases..etc. And after talking with them, they are all for it. And what I like most about these particular bunk beds (and I'm sure most of them do this) is the fact that we can also use them as just regular twin beds. That will come in handy when we move and they will have their own room. Money well spent I think!

We found this one:

I think these will be good. I had them growing up, so much cooler than a regular bed! This is a project I'm really looking forward to and can't wait to see the outcome of it all.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ~ Just Hangin' Around

She's my monkey girl. Does this as often as she can at the park.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tackle It Tuesday ~ The Garage

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

Our garage is a complete catastrophe! We are currently using it for storage, baby crib, bikes, toys..etc. But with the winter months getting closer, my husband and I are making it a goal to clean out the garage enough to get our van in. We had started earlier this spring/summer, decided to take a break and just never got back to it. Praying and crossing our fingers this job will be done before the snow starts to fall. Happy Tackling Tuesday!

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's All About The Memories

There are memories in life that you cherish, you can remember them by a photo or souvenir. You see them and are instantly brought to that moment in time. For me especially, if I see something that reminds me of a loved one who isn't here anymore it's that much more special and meaningful.

For the last year or so, my mom has been taking my daughter to Barnes and Noble where they have story time. There she has made a friend with the lady who reads the stories. They have this routine where they listen to the story and afterward do a craft that goes along with the it. I went with them the first time and really got into it. I was very hopeful that this was something she (my daughter) would enjoy and want to go to each time.

What's really neat is that afterward, my mom will buy my daughter a cookie of her choosing and they will sit down and talk, or maybe read books together, that I'm not really sure of. But the smile on my daughter's face when she comes home and tells me about her time there tells me that she had the best time. And as of late, she has been giving the reading lady a hug before she leaves. How sweet!

In her room, my daughter has every craft she's made since she started doing this with my mom. I'll put them somewhere safe until she's older and hopefully these memories she's making will flood her mind and bring a smile to her face. The crafts themselves will get old and fade, but the memories she's making now will last a lifetime.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

That Went Well...

Actually it didn't. At least for me anyways. Praying my son is doing well. He's been there a couple hours now and I'm sure he's fine. Started MY school routine, went to bed at a reasonable time so I could get enough shut eye, but ended up waking up at 4 this morning. Took me 2 hours to get back to sleep which left me with an hour to sleep. But that's ok, it gave me a chance to pray for this day and read a little. Things went fairly smoothly for the two of us this morning and I was able to drop him off at a reasonable time.

But that's when it all went south. I had asked him a few weeks ago if he had wanted me to come into the school with him and he politely told me that that was ok. He could do it himself. I'm ok with that, honestly. The route he's dropped off has changed, a bit more complicated and can be busier than before, but I would've gone in with him anyways. So, as we're driving I start to tear up, I can feel myself start to lose it so I bite my lip. Didn't work that time, I just thought I'd wing it and maybe I would stop once I started praying. That didn't happen. TOTALLY lost it, and as I'm looking in my rear view mirror I can see him looking at me with this expression like "What is going on?" I told him I was ok, just so proud of him and sad that he was growing up so fast. Thankfully I was able to get that under control and finish my prayer.

We pulled into the school parking lot and saw that it wasn't as busy as we thought, I was able to pull up to the curb and that's when I lost it again. I told him "I'm ok bud, I'm ok. I love you and I'll see you after school." Poor guy was about to cry but get that under control better than me. I saw him walk up the steps and I thought he didn't know where to go, but I saw him walking with someone he must know, so that put my mind at ease.

I really thought it would get easier with each school year. And granted, as I'm sitting here typing this I'm alright. It's just me having to let him go again. He isn't just down the hall from me like church, and I'm ok with that. I'm excited to see how his day went, but I'm happy for the break.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Big Day Approaches

2 days to go until that fateful day. First day of school. Am I excited you may ask? This mom is. I can't speak for all of you out there, but this mom is ready to be minus one kiddo during the day.
I say that in all sincerity because he is so bored and so whiny! I can't seem to give him anything to do that will keep him unbored for more than 10 minutes. I'm really excited to see how 2nd grade and him go together. He did extremely well last school year, I'm so proud :)

We were able to meet his teacher as well, I like her already. She and my son seemed to have hit it off like any teacher and student would the first time they met. And I even asked him if he wanted me to come into the school and he said that he was ok. I will so cry (bawl) like a baby when he gets out of the car. But I'm so proud of him that I'm more excited that nervous. I mean, come on, it's the first day of school, he's my first born, I think I'm allowed to feel this way. How does you/your child feel about the first day of school?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ~ New Set Of Wheels

A present from his Papa and Nana for learning to ride his bike without training wheels.

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