Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Must For Your Kids

I'm big on reading books, always have been. My son, now that he is able to read on his own, is an avid reader. Any chance we get we'll head over to the library and get books. A couple months ago I was at a cousin's son's birthday party and he had gotten this book. I read through and really enjoyed it. The author is Laura Joffe Numeroff. It was called If You Give A Pig A Pancake. A fun book to read. So while my son and I were at the library the other day, I had to pick up at least one of her books. I found If You Give A Moose A Muffin. I think we've read through it at least a handful of times. I like that it challenges him, but he can also enjoy the story. Even though it's a little longer than her usual books, my daughter will sit through these. And that's good, because she doesn't sit still for much of anything. If you're unsure about what to have your children read, go out and try these books out. You won't be disappointed. Enjoy!