Friday, June 6, 2008

Kindergarden Graduation

Today my son has graduated! I'm so proud of him. He's made so many accomplishments this year, what's not to be proud of. Now if you ask him if he's ready to be done, the answer you'd get might surprise you. Because he's not ready for it to be done. Now if you ask me that same question, you'll get a big Yes! Although I'm glad he likes school, the kid needs a break. We need to be done with that whole routine for a while.
The "ceremony" was short and sweet. When we first got there, they were all sitting in their chairs at the front of the room, waiting. It was kinda cute. When it did start they said their Pledge to the flag, then they recited a poem, which was pretty funny. Next they individually stood up and told us what they wanted to be when they grew up. Andrew said he wanted to be a teacher. How awesome is that! Then they were given their diplomas and an empty piece of paper so that they could get their friend's "signatures" before they left. I thought that was a unique idea.
I remember thinking when this school year started, "I can't believe he's a kindergardener." And now it's here and gone. Bring on first grade! (just not too quickly!)