Friday, May 30, 2008

Thank Goodness It's Friday!

Oh where to begin! Our bathroom is finished. Not that it was a huge deal, but the entire situation, I think, was mishandled. To me anyways. This all started on Monday and here we are on Friday. Oh well, it's done and I'm happy!

What I was most excited for was tonight. We had gotten in the mail a couple days ago, a small catalog from Build-A-Bear. On the front cover was Hello Kitty, but with a tan. Hubby and I had already planned on getting Madison one, so I was looking forward to doing that. She seems to enjoy going to the store, too. When we first handed her the before stuffed kitty, she just squealed! And she couldn't decide which little heart to have put into it, so they let her have both. She didn't want to help the lady with stuffing it, so Andrew did that instead. What's so cute is that the store has a little tub you can use to give your newly stuffed animal a "bath." At that point she was just done with the whole thing, so she made a beeline for the exit. The last few moments in the store are a bit of a blur.

I think what also helped me get my mind off this day was a phone call from my sister. She needs a babysitter for tomorrow night. I'm thrilled to be able to spend a little time with my nephew. He's getting to be more and more fun lately. He's a hilarious little dude. He's smiling and finding his voice more, so the interaction is wonderful.

(how cute is he!!)

Today might've been a crazy day, but I think if God didn't throw us these curve balls in life, things would be kinda boring. I'm just glad today is done. Bring on the weekend!

P.S. I've finished Little House On The Prairie and am now starting on Farmer Boy. Yay for me!