Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Just Around The Corner

I cannot believe the new year is almost here! I know it's all about resolutions, but who of you even make one when you know you'll probably break it. *raises hand* Guilty as charged. But that can change. Because change is good.

2008 was a good year. I was blessed with 2 new nephews on top of the other 2 I have, plus my niece. I celebrated 7 years of marriage with my wonderful husband and saw my son start the first grade. (top of the class I might add) And my daughter, potty trained! Oh yes, no more diaper changing for this woman! Of course there's been more going on during this year, but those are the ones that stand out.

I'm excited for 2009 too. I have a close cousin (more like a sister) who is going to have a daughter she's always wanted in April. My two nephews will be turning one in February. I'll be taking a trip over to England to visit my in-laws. I've never been out of the U.S. before so this will be something to remember. I'm excited! I pray God's blessing for each and everyone of you for this new year.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wordless Wednesday ~ Merry Christmas!!

From our house to yours, have a very Merry Christmas!

Go Wordless Here...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

You Must...

Check this out! When I was trying to put together some music for my blog I came across Travis Cottrell. He's got an incredible voice and his Christmas cd is definitely worth checking out.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Oh The Pain Of It All

I am done! Finished, Fin, finale. I wipe my hands of it all! And what, you may be asking yourself, am I done with? Shopping!! And I love to shop. Not a hard core shopper I might add, but if there are good sales I'm there. So when the hubby and I did our Christmas shopping tonight (last minute I know), we went to our local mall and were overwhelmed the minute we walked into the place. We could hardly find a parking space, let alone finding the things off our kid's wish lists. Thankfully the toy store there is closing so we were able to find some nice gifts at reasonable prices. But I didn't realize how busy a place can get! But our agendas were all the same. Get what you need and get out of there!

I'm thankful for the time away from the kids, that would've been so much harder with them in tow. The hubby and I don't get out very often, just the two of us. (that's a whole nother post) But we were able to get what we needed and be done with it. Would you believe we went grochery shopping after that?

And here I am, it's late and I'm tired. Kids are in bed, it's quiet. But I feel really good that we were able to get this accomplished today. Although I am putting any shopping off until this season is over! Best of luck to any shoppers out there who have yet to get their Christmas gifts. Beware though, it's a zoo out there.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Jehovah Jireh - The Lord Will Provide

Remember in church when you were growing up, singing a song called, "Jehovah Jireh." I used to sing that all the time in school and church. I can still remember the words:

Jehovah Jireh my provider
His grace is sufficient for me
For me, for me
Jehovah Jireh my provider
His grace is sufficient for me

The Lord shall provide all my needs
According to His riches in Glory
The Lord shall provide Himself a lamb for sacrifice
Jehovah Jireh takes care of me
Of me, of me

Jehovah Jireh my provider
His grace is sufficient for me
For me, for me
Jehovah Jireh my provider
His grace is sufficient for me

The Lord shall provide all my needs
According to His riches in Glory
The Lord shall provide Himself a lamb for sacrifice
Jehovah Jireh takes care of me
Of me, of me

And when you least expect it, he blesses you. I'm so happy I serve a God that is always watching out for us and takes such good care of us. We had an unexpected gift come our way yesterday and I couldn't stop rejoicing because our Awesome God will provide!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Come To Me Words!

You ever get in a funk when it comes to writing in your blog? I'm so there right now, and I'm kinda sad about it. I try to put in at least a couple entries a week but as of late my mind is just empty with things to write about. I know that the Christmas season is upon us, and maybe that's why I'm at a loss of what to write about. The hubby and I haven't started our shopping yet which I think is ok, but I'm getting a bit nervous when we do hit the stores. I'm thinking Mad House!!

I've been enjoying the snow, it's been pretty to watch. Thankfully I haven't had to drive very far when driving has been necessary. And as old as our van is (a 94, yikes!) it's been getting us to our destinations without any trouble. Everyone is healthy, so I'm thankful for that. My son is off of school starting next week and boy am I'm looking forward to getting up after 7am! All our Christmas cards are sent out and I'm happy for that. The last couple years we've been doing those picture cards, but this year I just wanted to do that the old fashioned way. Pick out a nice card and send it, I'm ok with that.

I think I'm done rambling now. I've said what's been on my mind and hopefully can get back into writing here. Thanks all for being patient with my absence.

thinking cap Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, December 8, 2008

Another Year Older

I don't mind birthdays so much. Getting older is just a part of life. You learn to just take it as it comes. Well at least I do. So when I turned 30 last year I wasn't a real happy camper. In my wishful thinking I thought it would take forever for me to be that age. Boy was I wrong. It was here, whether I'm ready for it or not! But in all these 31 years of life, though the first few I have no memory of, I've been truely blessed.

birthday Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Other Bookworm

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My daughter is growing up too fast! But she sure does make me proud!

Wordless Wednesday ~ My Beautiful 3 Year Old

I've always loved those antique looking pictures. So when a church down the road from me was taking them I just couldn't refuse.

Go Wordless Here...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Recipe For A Snowy Day

Chocolate Pictures, Images and Photos

You can add anything else to it that will help define a relaxing day. But when I look outside and see all that snow coming down and need something to warm me up inside, this is what I go for.