Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Just Around The Corner

I cannot believe the new year is almost here! I know it's all about resolutions, but who of you even make one when you know you'll probably break it. *raises hand* Guilty as charged. But that can change. Because change is good.

2008 was a good year. I was blessed with 2 new nephews on top of the other 2 I have, plus my niece. I celebrated 7 years of marriage with my wonderful husband and saw my son start the first grade. (top of the class I might add) And my daughter, potty trained! Oh yes, no more diaper changing for this woman! Of course there's been more going on during this year, but those are the ones that stand out.

I'm excited for 2009 too. I have a close cousin (more like a sister) who is going to have a daughter she's always wanted in April. My two nephews will be turning one in February. I'll be taking a trip over to England to visit my in-laws. I've never been out of the U.S. before so this will be something to remember. I'm excited! I pray God's blessing for each and everyone of you for this new year.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wordless Wednesday ~ Merry Christmas!!

From our house to yours, have a very Merry Christmas!

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

You Must...

Check this out! When I was trying to put together some music for my blog I came across Travis Cottrell. He's got an incredible voice and his Christmas cd is definitely worth checking out.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Oh The Pain Of It All

I am done! Finished, Fin, finale. I wipe my hands of it all! And what, you may be asking yourself, am I done with? Shopping!! And I love to shop. Not a hard core shopper I might add, but if there are good sales I'm there. So when the hubby and I did our Christmas shopping tonight (last minute I know), we went to our local mall and were overwhelmed the minute we walked into the place. We could hardly find a parking space, let alone finding the things off our kid's wish lists. Thankfully the toy store there is closing so we were able to find some nice gifts at reasonable prices. But I didn't realize how busy a place can get! But our agendas were all the same. Get what you need and get out of there!

I'm thankful for the time away from the kids, that would've been so much harder with them in tow. The hubby and I don't get out very often, just the two of us. (that's a whole nother post) But we were able to get what we needed and be done with it. Would you believe we went grochery shopping after that?

And here I am, it's late and I'm tired. Kids are in bed, it's quiet. But I feel really good that we were able to get this accomplished today. Although I am putting any shopping off until this season is over! Best of luck to any shoppers out there who have yet to get their Christmas gifts. Beware though, it's a zoo out there.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Jehovah Jireh - The Lord Will Provide

Remember in church when you were growing up, singing a song called, "Jehovah Jireh." I used to sing that all the time in school and church. I can still remember the words:

Jehovah Jireh my provider
His grace is sufficient for me
For me, for me
Jehovah Jireh my provider
His grace is sufficient for me

The Lord shall provide all my needs
According to His riches in Glory
The Lord shall provide Himself a lamb for sacrifice
Jehovah Jireh takes care of me
Of me, of me

Jehovah Jireh my provider
His grace is sufficient for me
For me, for me
Jehovah Jireh my provider
His grace is sufficient for me

The Lord shall provide all my needs
According to His riches in Glory
The Lord shall provide Himself a lamb for sacrifice
Jehovah Jireh takes care of me
Of me, of me

And when you least expect it, he blesses you. I'm so happy I serve a God that is always watching out for us and takes such good care of us. We had an unexpected gift come our way yesterday and I couldn't stop rejoicing because our Awesome God will provide!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Come To Me Words!

You ever get in a funk when it comes to writing in your blog? I'm so there right now, and I'm kinda sad about it. I try to put in at least a couple entries a week but as of late my mind is just empty with things to write about. I know that the Christmas season is upon us, and maybe that's why I'm at a loss of what to write about. The hubby and I haven't started our shopping yet which I think is ok, but I'm getting a bit nervous when we do hit the stores. I'm thinking Mad House!!

I've been enjoying the snow, it's been pretty to watch. Thankfully I haven't had to drive very far when driving has been necessary. And as old as our van is (a 94, yikes!) it's been getting us to our destinations without any trouble. Everyone is healthy, so I'm thankful for that. My son is off of school starting next week and boy am I'm looking forward to getting up after 7am! All our Christmas cards are sent out and I'm happy for that. The last couple years we've been doing those picture cards, but this year I just wanted to do that the old fashioned way. Pick out a nice card and send it, I'm ok with that.

I think I'm done rambling now. I've said what's been on my mind and hopefully can get back into writing here. Thanks all for being patient with my absence.

thinking cap Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, December 8, 2008

Another Year Older

I don't mind birthdays so much. Getting older is just a part of life. You learn to just take it as it comes. Well at least I do. So when I turned 30 last year I wasn't a real happy camper. In my wishful thinking I thought it would take forever for me to be that age. Boy was I wrong. It was here, whether I'm ready for it or not! But in all these 31 years of life, though the first few I have no memory of, I've been truely blessed.

birthday Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Other Bookworm

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My daughter is growing up too fast! But she sure does make me proud!

Wordless Wednesday ~ My Beautiful 3 Year Old

I've always loved those antique looking pictures. So when a church down the road from me was taking them I just couldn't refuse.

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Recipe For A Snowy Day

Chocolate Pictures, Images and Photos

You can add anything else to it that will help define a relaxing day. But when I look outside and see all that snow coming down and need something to warm me up inside, this is what I go for.

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year (or just about)

It's the day after Thanksgiving and that means we get to put up the Christmas tree! Wow, it's Christmas time already. It sure feels like this season comes and goes so quickly. But the excitment is still the same. For me, I like how excited I can still get and enjoy it with my kids.

Growing up, we had this tradition. We'd put Christmas music on, usually Henry Mancini, and put up the tree. We usually got a real tree, but as we got a little older we started using an artifical one. We'd just light a pine tree scented candle and be good. Besides trimming the tree, there were other decorations to be put up, handmade ones or store boughten. And of course the stockings. Next to Christmas presents, stockings are just as best! My mom would put little things for us girls. But the best part was the huge candy cane. Yum!

At the beginning of the season we'd do an Advent Calendar which came with a story, candles and the opening of 1 door per day. My sisters and I would take turns and check out what picture was behind the door. And whoever got to open the door for Christmas Eve was the lucky one.

But all that aside, we also celebrated the birth of Jesus. He's the real reason for all of this. So before there was any presents we would read from the Bible. Luke 2:1-20. We can get so caught up in all the glitter and glam that comes with the season, but always remember that it's Jesus' birth that needs to be first and foremost on our minds and in our hearts. There's a book my mom bought for my son a few years ago that helps tell the story of His birth, but in a way that they'll understand and enjoy. It's called Clopper the Christmas Donkey. I try to read that to my kids once a day and I get a pretty good reception from them. Enjoy the season!

Jesus Is the Reason FOR THE SEASON Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Pictures, Images and Photos

From our house to yours, have a blessed Thanksgiving. God Bless!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey Day Craft

Well, I've done it! The turkey hat craft I told myself I could do, I did. Kinda frustrating at times, but so much fun! And I just love the end result.

I enlisted the help of my son for his while I made one for my daughter. And can I just say, it was time well spent. I liked that it was just him and me for an hour doing something we don't do often enough.

Here's a little rundown of our progress. I started by tracing everything out and then let him cut them.

A cutting we will do, a cutting we will do...

I cannot get glue on my fingers!

How's it looking mommy?

Just adding the last pieces of the hat

Drum roll please....

Ta daaaa!!

I made these off from the website in a previous post. Aren't they just adorable!! I'm certainly going back there for any other crafts I would want to do with my kids. Oh, I also made one for my nephew.

For the wings, I just traced my kid's hands instead. It's an easy craft to do and a fun keepsake to have.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

You MUST check this out. My friend Anne, whose blog I enjoy reading, had mentioned this and it's worth watching. The guys pretty funny. Enjoy!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Check this out!

I was wracking my brain trying to find a Thanksgiving craft idea for my kids to do. I'm not HUGE on doing crafts. Not that I'm against doing them, it's so much fun, I just can't ever seem to find the right ones to make. Until I found this sight! It has all sorts of things just for your kids to do or healthy foods to eat. Even gift ideas for their teachers! This is my kind of website.

I was able to find this adorable Turkey Hat craft for my kiddos to make.


When I think about Fridays, relaxation comes to mind almost instantly. Two days to sleep in, no worries about homework or lunches to make and my family is all home together and under the same roof! Typically our Friday nights are spent grochery shopping or walking around the mall. Woo Hoo! Hubby and I do try to get a date night in once in a while, too.

This Friday feels a little different. Probably because next week is Thanksgiving so I've got that on my mind. But I tell you what, I'm getting really excited for what next Friday holds. We put up the Christmas tree! Happy Friday everyone!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!

Here we go again! And might I say it's a little late this year. Not that I'm complaining. The headaches I get from having to deal with all the snow we get are something I can wait for. But on the other hand I'm a little excited for it to be here because it's a riot to play in! That and my kids love it too. Who doesn't love to race down the hill on your sled or make a snowman or have a snowball fight.

A few days ago I was talking with one of my sisters about when we used to play in the snow as kids. When we would have our regular snowfall during the day, when my dad would come home and snow blow the driveway my sisters and I would sit in the path of where the snow would come out of the snowblower. We would get buried, and it was great! Ahh to be a kid again.

I'm starting to prefer the snow from inside my home, but having my two kids still makes it enjoyable every now and then. Bring it on!

Friday, November 7, 2008

That's Life

When I wrote my last post I had no idea what kind of week lay ahead. My son had been home from school since the previous day with a stomach ache but had shown signs of getting better by the time we had to go trick-or-treating. But as a parent you want your child to be feeling 100% before doing something like taking them outside. It was a hard decision, but he benefited from it. Or so I thought.

He had good days and bad days, and ended up going back to school the following Wednesday. We're still unsure what he had, but I'm glad he's back to himself. But then, wouldn't you know it, I was given the chance to have my own car for a couple weeks. While talking with a wonderful Aunt of mine, we got to talking about coming over for a visit and she offered to let me borrow her car until she is able to drive again. It's been such a treat having an extra set of wheels to get around when I need to, or if it's just driving to the park with my daughter. Even though we have our van, which I'm thankful for, it's still nice to be able to get out without having to ask for help or bringing my husband to his job. I'm reveling in my new found freedom! God is good and I'm very blessed. Life throws all sorts of things at you and with God's help, you get through them and enjoy!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

From our house to yours...have a fun and safe halloween!! Try not to eat all your kiddos' candy, though I cannot say the same for my hubby and myself.

My Halloween Birthday Boy!

Yup, you heard me correctly. My son was born on Halloween. (although my due date wasn't until Nov. 16th) I remember that day very clearly. Went into the hospital at 5 am with some hard contractions. Those buggers are awful! Had the glorious epidural a little after that and was relaxin' and waiting. I remember I started pushing at 10am and an hour later he was born. The feeling you get once you see your baby is unforgettable and such a wonderful moment. The rest of the day was a bit of a blur. Funny how you remember everything up to right after having your baby, but afterwards, nada. (at least for me anyways)

And here we are, 7 years later. I swear, it feels like this all happened yesterday...I wonder if I will always feel like that. I hope so! I'm the luckiest mom on earth to have such a wonderful son. He's made me so proud and I'm so excited to see what the future holds for him.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wordless Wednesday ~ Her Audience

Madison and her brother's pumpkins. She couldn't get enough of them!

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Monday, October 27, 2008

It's For The Kids

We almost didn't get the chance to have pumpkins this year. Even though you can find them at almost any grochery store, we made the choice to wait until the week before to get them so they'd be in good shape when the time came to show them off. Last year we bought them about 2 weeks before and they were gross by halloween. Our usual place of purchase was all out. Even inside the store! So we headed to good ole' Walmart and found a big supply of them and picked out the best two of the bunch.

Even at my age, though I'm not saying I'm old, I still get pretty excited doing fun things like finding costumes for halloween or picking out the pumpkins and helping to carve them. (ok ok, so my husband does the carving) But I help get the seeds and slimy stuff out. Not so much fun, but as I said, I'm involved.

Next came the task of finding characters or faces to put on them. Usually we'll buy a book that has ready made stencils and use those. But the majority of the pictures are kinda creepy, so we try to stick with the funny faces. This year we couldn't find anything we liked, so we turned to old faithful, the world wide web. I found two really cute/funny pictures and used those. My hubby is really good at looking at a picture once and drawing it perfectly on paper. Or in this case a pumpkin.

I've tried carving a pumpkin once and, to me anyways, it's harder than it looks. So I just left it to the professional. And voila!

My daughter was pretty excited about seeing hers, as was my son. It makes it all worth it.